
Improvement of the coordination mechanism of Republic of Bulgaria through exchange of experience and best practices from other EU countries


The project aims at developing and improving the coordination mechanism between the competent authorities in the field of integration at central, regional and local level in Republic of Bulgaria, as well as to build a capacity among the responsible institutions for application of integration policies and programmes for beneficiaries under international protection and third country nationals. Those aims are designed to be achieved through a set of complex and well-balanced activities such as:

  • Review of the implementation of Bulgarian secondary legislation concerning the procedures for conducting application and termination of integration agreements
  • Conduct of six regional workshops
  • Conduct of three training seminars
  • Drafting of a Manual with best practices and recommendations for application of integration policies and organization of international conference in Sofia, Bulgaria.

In the addition of the above mentioned activities there are planned activities for project management and information and publicity. The target group of the present proposal are the competent authorities and institutions in the field of integration at central, regional and local level (NGOs, international organisations, State authorities and Public institutions, regions and municipalities). The envisaged activities are expected to reach directly 270 representatives of the target groups whereas to the dissemination and publicity activities as well as through multiplication and sustainability measures further 430 persons will be reached, and in total minimum of 700 persons.

Start date
1 December 2017
16 (extended due to Covid)
Reference No.
Leading organization
European Institute
Project cover

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