The project aims to promote a integrated approach to the integration of third-country nationals (TCN), including strengthening cooperation between relevant actors. It aims to support legal migration to Member States in accordance with their economic and social needs, while preserving the integrity of MS’ immigration systems, and promoting the effective integration of TCN.
As a follow up of a previous project, this proposal aims at building on the results achieved, focusing on the best practices. The project activities include a number of measures for the successful integration and socialization of about 700 persons seeking/receiving international protection, as well as to create conditions for direct and indirect engagement of about 10,000 representatives of the host society.
The activities include:
- preparation of a Comparative Analysis of Access to Basic Services, and its dissemination among stakeholders, through 3 online seminars for the institutions concerned, in order to achieve enhanced cooperation between relevant actors in the integration of TCN;
- conducting cultural and entertainment sports events in order to fully integrate the TCN into the public life of the host country, through applied integration measures;
- conducting a national information campaign, which includes the development and dissemination of short information videos and TV participation, covering directly and indirectly about people from the host society, in order to raise awareness and combat prejudice and stereotypes;
- information and publicity activities in order to improve information and publicity about the goals, activities, messages and results of the project and about the priorities of The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
The expected results of the project and its impact at different levels (regional, national and European) will be essential for a better and sustainable integration support to the TCN.