Participation in the European Conference on Domestic Violence

A team of 17 people, including representatives from the European Institute Foundation, participated in the European Conference on Domestic Violence (ECDV) and conducted a few on-site visits in Reykjavik, Iceland from the 10th to the 14th of September 2023.

The work travel to Iceland took place within the framework of the project “Stepping up efforts to prevent and combat violence against Roma women and women from minority groups facing discrimination, marginalisation and exclusion”. The project is a continuation of the bilateral initiative “Working together for a Europe free from violence – ensuring Roma women’s access to justice to assert their right to be free from violence” and aims to further disseminate the results from it in a multi-stakeholder environment in order to multiply their effects.

The project team participated in the 5th ECDV. The event takes place every 2 years and is the biggest arena for addressing domestic violence. The conference was hosted by the Educational Research Institute, an academic and research institute within the University of Iceland and took place in the Hilton Hotel Reykjavik on 11-13 September 2023. Gathering experts, academia, policymakers, practitioners, NGOs, national public bodies from the EU countries and beyond, international organizations, activists, citizens, and other relevant stakeholders, the event creates an unprecedented opportunity for awareness-raising, opinion-sharing, and experience exchange in this field. The project team attended the ECDV’s keynote speeches and sessions, symposiums, and workshops.

A separate panel from the conference’s agenda was dedicated to our project team – “How to best consider and take into account the rights and needs of Roma women when addressing gender-based and domestic violence?”. The project team and other attendees of the ECDV participated in the workshop that was held on 13 September within the ECDV. The workshop was the only sub-event in the conference that focused on the Roma minority, presenting the Handbook elaborated during the team’s previous bilateral initiative. Therefore, it contributed to the landscape of topics discussed during the ECDV.

The workshop of the project team involved interactive learning and the dissemination of training and/or skills, rather than an extended lecture. The diverse backgrounds of the project team members provided a multi-layered understanding of the topic and gave space for meaningful discussions and raising important questions. It was discussed what could be the implications for policies addressing violence against women and domestic violence.

The project team also took part in on-site visits in the Family Justice Center (FJC) – Iceland; the Icelandic Human Rights Center (IHRC), the DPP for the Active Citizen Fund of the EEA Grants; and the Icelandic police.

The project team consists of representatives from the European Institute Foundation, the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security, the Council of Europe, the Bulgarian General Directorate National Police, Kilden, and two international experts.

The aforementioned project team had the unique privilege to take part in the event with the financial support of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.

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