The European Institute has launched the project “Tolerant Society – a basis for the integration of third-country nationals”, following the project “A tolerant society for the integration of asylum seekers”.
In this regard, we share an Information Brochure published on the website of the International Projects Directorate – Ministry of Interior, prepared by the Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission in October 2020. The brochure presents projects implemented by Member States under the Fund. “Asylum, Migration and Integration” 2014 – 2020, including the project “A tolerant society for the integration of asylum seekers”, implemented by the European Institute. The good practices from its implementation will be continued and upgraded within the current project “Tolerant society – a basis for integration of third-country nationals”.
The information brochure for the implementation of projects under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union can be found here: