
TRAINING AID: Mobile assistance interagency teams to detect and prevent the escalation of violent radicalism


Training Aid is a two-year project co-funded by the European Commission DG Home Affairs under the program “Law Enforcement Training” to prevent radicalization, equipping front line practitioners with the skills to detect radicalization in various settings and providing them with the tools to react in an appropriate manner.

Training Aid will facilitate the integration of member states counter-radicalization efforts establishing common procedures for highly-specialized training methodologies and integrating specialized topics such as strategic planning and fundamental rights by using blended technologies for synchronic and a-synchronic training delivery.

The Target groups of this project are:

  • Law Enforcement Agencies;
  • Prison & Probation staff;
  • Europol;
  • Eurojust;
  • Cepol;
  • Police Academies;
  • Judiciary staff;

Training Aid project will organize Expert Users Panels in Spain, Germany and Latvia. Furthermore, the project will organize “Training of the Trainers” sessions in Germany, Czech Republic and Latvia in order to deliver training courses to reach more than 1.000 frontline practitioners all around Europe.

The Consortium of the project is formed by: Italian Ministry of Justice – Office for Triveneto, Agenfor International NGO (Italy/Switzerland), Fundacion Euroarabe (Spain), Technical University of Prague (Czech Republic), European Institute (Bulgaria), Universidad de Granada (Spain), Fachhochschule für offentliche Verwaltung und Rechtspflege in Bayern (Germany), Guardia Civil (Spain), Ministry of Justice (Prison Administration Dept.) of the Republic of Latvia.

Start date
1 October 2016
24 months
Reference No.
European Institute
Project cover

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