
Survey and analysis of the Return Policy. Some Case Studies


The project aims to promote fair and effective return strategies in the Member States that contribute to the fight against illegal immigration, with particular focus on the sustainable nature of return and actual readmission in countries of origin and transit. It also seeks to achieve effective protection of the rights of returnees throughout the return process and compliance with the international human rights standards. The project also aims to improve the capacity of those involved in the return process.

The above-mentioned objectives will be achieved through a series of interrelated activities in accordance with REGULATION (EU) № 516/2014 and more specifically:

  • Study of experience and practices in some countries of destination and origin – cases from the Republic of Greece, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Iraq;
  • Review and analysis of the return policy “Return policy in the new environment”;
  • Training of personnel;
  • Development of a distance learning course on current issues of the return of third-country nationals;
  • Activities related to dissemination and publicity.
Start date
1 December 2020
24 months
Leading organization
The European Institute
Project cover

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